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Credit Score

As a service to our members, WyHy includes your credit score on your monthly statements. In addition WyHy offers members a quarterly credit score through its Online Banking Application. This is a FREE service for its members, allowing them to have access to their credit score each quarter without showing as an inquiry on their credit - that's right providing this score will not affect their credit and is for informational purposes only!

How do I find my credit score?

The score can be located within Online Banking under E-Services - Credit Score.

Scores will be updated on:

  • Monday, April 1st
  • Monday, July 1st
  • Tuesday, October 1st

To sign up for online banking, please call or stop by our branches and one of our financial life coaches will help you.

What are the advantages of having my credit score?

  • Your credit score is king
  • Knowing your credit score means you are aware of your finances
  • You can be better equipped to manage your credit score, especially since several companies depend on your credit score to conduct business.
  • You can detect identity theft with your credit score
  • Managing your credit score means better financial options for you

Learn more about Your Credit Score and Understanding how your credit is evaluated.